How can I tell how much computer time I am using?

You can use the get_compute_charges command to tell you how much computer time you have used within a given month, and how much it will cost.


Usage: get_compute_charges -a account [-u username] [-y 4-digit-year] [-m month] [-v] [-p]


Every run of get_compute_charges will need you to give the account you want to check, via the -a switch; this value is typically your PI’s SUnetID.

The other switches are:

Switch Example Default
-u username bettingr Your username
-y 4-digit-year 2020 This year
-m month-digits 8 This month
-v Verbose mode Verbose is off
-p Parsable mode Output is human-readable

If you don’t specify a month or a year, the period that the output reflects is from the beginning of the month to yesterday.


By default, the output of this command is a small table which shows you how many CPU-hours that the jobs which the username you specified (usually, you) owns have run within the month and year given.

Example output (human-readable)

  USER: bettingr ACCOUNT: mpsnyder
    CPU Hours:  545.2
    Charges  : $27.26

If you specify the -p switch, you will get as output two numbers separated by a space: the number of CPU hours and the cost for that month.

Example output (parsable)

545.2 27.26


get_compute_charges -a mpsnyder : Prints the CPU-hours and charges associated with jobs charged to the mpsnyder account by the current user in the current month and year

get_compute_charges -a mpsnyder -u bettingr : Prints the CPU-hours and charges associated with jobs charged to the mpsnyder account by user bettingr in the current month and year

get_compute_charges -a mpsnyder -u bettingr -m 5 : Prints the CPU-hours and charges associated with jobs charged to the mpsnyder account by user bettingr in May of the current year

get_compute_charges -a mpsnyder -u bettingr -m 5 -u 2019 : Prints the CPU-hours and charges associated with jobs charged to the mpsnyder account by user bettingr in May of 2019

get_compute_charges -a mpsnyder -u bettingr -m 5 -u 2019 -p : Prints the CPU-hours and charges associated with jobs charged to the mpsnyder account by user bettingr in May of 2019 and make the output computer-parsable.


The results of this command are only guaranteed to be accurate for dates beyond September 2018.