Getting access to the SCG cluster


To get an account on the SCG cluster, you need to have two things:

  • A SUnetID
  • An affliation with a lab which is on the cluster

If you need an SUnetID, you may request a sponsored SUNetID by applying on the Stanford University Accounts website and then asking an SCG-affiliated PI or project owner to sponsor the request. Base-level sponsored SUnetIDs (without email or AFS storage) are sufficient and are free to sponsor.

If your lab has no current affiliation with the SCG cluster, your PI can apply for access by filling out the GBSC Application Form.

User Accounts

People with SUnetIDs and SCG lab affiliations can request SCG cluster accounts by sending an email to the SCG Action Team. Please CC your PI in the email.


For projects that span multiple PIs, have dedicated funding, or other special requirements which don’t fit well within a PI-associated lab account, a special project can be created. Projects are set up on a case-by-case basis around the specific needs and requirements for each one. Email the SCG Action Team if you’d like us to setup a project for your team.

For more information

If you’d like more information about the SCG Cluster, please send an email to the SCG Action Team at and we can answer your questions.